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Did you know?


Photograph shows Opening Day with Miss Lower Nicola, Debbie Moldowan


The Lower Nicola Centennial Hall officially opened in 1971


Before the hall was built, there was an ice rink on the property


Cement blocks had the names of donors on them


There used to be target practice in the basement of the hall


Floor hockey was played upstairs


Nicola Canford had school dances at the hall


The Lower Nicola Pagent was held there


There was a boxing club in the basement


Karate classes were held there


Potluck community Christmas parties were held, as well as Membership drives for $5 a year


On Aberdeen and Hwy 8, there was a stagecoach station and hotel


In 1978 on Aberdeen Rd there was a sawmill owned by Bud Kerwin, where they made pallets and strapping sticks. Many good memories were made there. Bud died in 1992.


Forestry fire suppression camp was on Aberdeen Road

Hall Opening.JPG

Thank you


We would like to acknowledge those that were able to provide us with history and memories of the Lower Nicola area -  Doug & Norma Mervyn,  Ernie and Myrna Jones, Nicola Valley Museum, Don Oglivie, Pam Stevenson, Debbie Scott, Curtis Riffel, Sharon Bondhogg, Stu Jackson, Michele Gaulin Shaw, Robert Hume, Laurie Turmel, Jo Square, Josh Frulling, Sylvianne Johnson and Debbie Moldowan

For just $5 a year, you can become a member of The Lower Nicola Community Association

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